Detailed information of DPY-27

Dataset summary

TF Name: DPY-27 Species: Caenorhabditis elegans
Cell-type/Tissue: Whole worms (mixed-stage embryos) Condition/Source: N2 strain
JASPAR ID: MA0540.1 Collections: Permissive Robust
References: GEO GSE87741 GSM2339609 GTRD EXP044478

External links

Statistical details

Model Peak caller Model ID Enrichment Zone TFBSs Score threshold Centrality p-value (log10)
DAMO MACS MA0540.1 70.5 1176 85.8 -5.71334942583995

25 datasets found for the same TF (DPY-27) in other cell-types/tissues

TF Name Cell-line Condition/Source Collections Species Identifiers JASPAR ID
DPY-27 Whole worms (mixed-stage embryos) strain: OP32, genotype: unc-119(ed3) III; wgIs32, sex:mixed Permissive Robust Caenorhabditis elegans ENCSR147FKU MA0540.1
DPY-27 Whole worms (developmental stage: embryo) strain: OP32; DPY27 transgenic worms (GFP-tagged) Permissive Robust Caenorhabditis elegans GSE15501 ... MA0540.1
DPY-27 Whole worms (developmental stage: embryo) strain: OP32; DPY27 transgenic worms (GFP-tagged) Permissive Caenorhabditis elegans GSE15501 ... MA0540.1
DPY-27 Whole worms (developmental stage: L3) N2 strain Permissive Caenorhabditis elegans GSE29427 ... MA0540.1
DPY-27 Whole worms (developmental stage: embryo) strain: N2; wild type Permissive Caenorhabditis elegans GSE43086 ... MA0540.1
DPY-27 Whole worms (mixed-stage embryos) N2 strain Permissive Robust Caenorhabditis elegans GSE45678 ... MA0540.1
DPY-27 Whole worms (developmental stage: L3) N2 strain Permissive Caenorhabditis elegans GSE28777 ... MA0540.1
DPY-27 Whole worms (developmental stage: embryo) CB428 strain Permissive Robust Caenorhabditis elegans GSE67650 ... MA0540.1
DPY-27 Whole worms (developmental stage: embryo) MT14911 strain Permissive Robust Caenorhabditis elegans GSE67650 ... MA0540.1
DPY-27 Whole worms (developmental stage: L3) N2 strain Permissive Caenorhabditis elegans GSE67650 ... MA0540.1
DPY-27 Whole worms (developmental stage: young adults) N2 strain Permissive Caenorhabditis elegans GSE67650 ... MA0540.1
DPY-27 Whole worms (mixed-stage embryos) N2 strain Permissive Caenorhabditis elegans GSE87741 ... MA0540.1
DPY-27 Whole worms (mixed-stage embryos) N2 strain Permissive Robust Caenorhabditis elegans GSE87741 ... MA0540.1
DPY-27 Whole worms (mixed-stage embryos) N2 strain Permissive Caenorhabditis elegans GSE87741 ... MA0540.1
DPY-27 Whole worms (mixed-stage embryos) ERC38 strain Permissive Caenorhabditis elegans GSE87741 ... MA0540.1
DPY-27 Whole worms (mixed-stage embryos) ERC38 strain Permissive Caenorhabditis elegans GSE87741 ... MA0540.1
DPY-27 Whole worms (mixed-stage embryos) ERC38 strain Permissive Robust Caenorhabditis elegans GSE87741 ... MA0540.1
DPY-27 Whole worms (mixed-stage embryos) ERC54 strain Permissive Caenorhabditis elegans GSE87741 ... MA0540.1
DPY-27 Whole worms (mixed-stage embryos) ERC54 strain Permissive Caenorhabditis elegans GSE87741 ... MA0540.1
DPY-27 Whole worms (mixed-stage embryos) ERC64 strain Permissive Caenorhabditis elegans GSE87741 ... MA0540.1
DPY-27 Whole worms (mixed-stage embryos) ERC64 strain Permissive Caenorhabditis elegans GSE87741 ... MA0540.1
DPY-27 Whole worms (mixed-stage embryos) ERC64 strain Permissive Caenorhabditis elegans GSE87741 ... MA0540.1
DPY-27 Whole worms (mixed-stage embryos) ERC51 strain Permissive Caenorhabditis elegans GSE87741 ... MA0540.1
DPY-27 Whole worms (mixed-stage embryos) ERC51 strain Permissive Caenorhabditis elegans GSE87741 ... MA0540.1
DPY-27 Whole worms (mixed-stage embryos) ERC51 strain Permissive Robust Caenorhabditis elegans GSE87741 ... MA0540.1